Sustainable Workspaces
Sustainable Workspaces

At a glance

Project type

Office Refurbishment 

Property type

Grade II* listed County Hall

Product(s) used

Breathaplasta Universal


London, United Kingdom




Sustainable Workspaces


Material Works Architecture


Rome Plastering Services


Sustainable Bankside was developed in partnership with Landsec, the UK's largest property company. By integrating Landsec's innovation team and labs within the co-working space, the project aims to facilitate collaboration within the space.

This project serves as a demonstrator for sustainable materials and methods in commercial retrofitting, merging sustainability and functionality in modern workspace design. Material Works conducted a carbon calculation, revealing a saving of 1,150 tonnes compared to typical fit-outs. The adoption of Breathaplasta, a natural lime-based plaster, contributes to enhanced air quality and reduced carbon footprint.

"Health and wellbeing alongside sustainability is very important to us and was a reason for deciding on Breathaplasta. The natural finish of the product also enabled us to complete without the need for any paintwork - making it more sustainable and more cost effective."

James Byrne
Partner at Sustainable Workspaces

"The project was working to a tight time frame as it was opening for business the following week. I was initially concerned about setting and drying times for a lime-based product, but the plaster [Breathaplasta] sets in just 1 hour so it ended up being pretty easy to meet the quick turnaround, especially with a single coat."

David Rome
Rome Plastering Services

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