Globally, the built environment is responsible for 39% of CO2 emissions and 30% of the world’s waste.
Adaptavate was founded to change this.
We develop carbon-negative construction materials as a form of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), with circularity at the core.

To maximize our impact, we are making available our patented technology to product manufacturers across the world.
Fighting climate change with carbon change
We are leading the carbon change in the construction industry to help preserve our planet.
Our products
Delivering the ultimate building performance whilst being ecologically regenerative
Breathaboard, the carbon sequestering plasterboard.
Breathaplasta, the performance plaster, made easy.

“We have built a business of the future with ecological regeneration at the heart and economic profit as a by-product. Our solutions can help decarbonise the construction industry at scale.”
Thomas Robinson, Founder, Adaptavate